
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Split Pea Soup

Is anyone else out there superstitious... or is it just me? I mean, I don't go around avoiding ladders or umbrellas, but I'll participate if it brings me good luck (and possibly freak out if a mirror breaks). Why not... riight? Growing up, my mom always made black eyed peas or split pea soup for New Years. It is supposed to bring good luck for the year to come. Good deal, considering split pea soup is one of my fav's. I was reading somewhere that it is a German tradition that started because the green split peas resemble money. The best part comes next. As the split peas cook they swell and... drum roll please ... represent your overflowing fortune. Who couldn't use that kind of luck???

Apple Spiced Ginger Ale

It is almost New Year's and while Christmas is long gone the seasonal tastes are still here. I honestly can't get enough cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice... the works! This drink is perfect. It is also a great non-alcoholic drink for New Year's. Trust me... if you have someone coming over who doesn't want to drink, this will satisfy them completely. I've already had one. Okay... two.  :-)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Chicken and Green Chile Posole

Lets get this straight... I live in Southern California. It doesn't rain. Misting, drizzling, sprinkling, or dripping... maaayybe.I know, I know, people call it raining... but it's not. Of course I am currently looking out my window and it just started actually raining. I think I pissed mother nature off. Oh well... works for me. I LOVE the rain. Which is possibly why I am eventually moving to Seattle. Ohhh I cant wait. SO in the spirit of the rain my dreams of moving to Seattle... I made soup. Glorious, delicious, spicy, soup. Its the perfect thing to eat while watching the rain mist.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Baked Pear and Ginger Overnight French Toast Casserole

I love french toast-- and I mean real french toast. Not the stuff you get at the local diner (you know... sandwich bread dipped in egg and milk cooked on a griddle). I mean the huge chunks of bread soaked in spices and the typical egg/milk concoction, full of fresh and in season fruit. UGGGHH... sooo good. This is the stuff every breakfast wants to be. It also doubles great as dessert.  Next time you want surprise your family with breakfast, whip this up the night before and just throw it in the oven in the morning.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Caprese Salad Panini

Here at my house, we have been on quite the vegetarian kick. I have been trying to find some new recipes and the other day I thought of something brilliant (if I might say so myself). Caprese salad paninis. Right around the same time, I remembered watching at least two different food network shows about roasted tomatoes. What could be better!?!?! Suddenly I had to make these that night. What happened that night was awesome. These are so good and don't take long to make. Perfect for those busy week nights.